Wednesday Jan. 26th: I had a run in today with someone who had a room the size of my own-dedicated entirely to shoes. From floor to ceiling and even on display. Needless to say, I heart burst and I lost my stomach the moment I saw it. Really? I mean, really?!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday, Jan. 25th: I woke up to inches of snow. I love fresh snowfall, especially how it sticks to different objects and creates cool textures. So as a result- I went crazy with my camera. Here's only a few I took:
Shirley Temple.
Monday Jan. 24th: I had time this morning, so I curled my hair. It was a good monday. Happy Birthday to my brother Quin!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Wait, its Sunday?
Sunday, Jan. 23rd: Well, I did totally terrible with taking pictures this week. And I have hardly any that actually have ME in them. Which is half the fun. This week was one of those where you are asking, "How is already sunday?" I feel like I wasn't even awake for the entire week. I hope to do better this week with taking pictures, and updating my blog, and doing better, and achieving my goals. This past week was kindof a fluke.
Blue Jeans.
Saturday, Jan 22nd: I wasn't having the best day but I found these jeans. They aren't True Religions' so I haven't bought into the "Utah Jeans" idea, although they have a big stitch and I still felt a little guilty getting them. Nevertheless! I'm still a true California girl and no kind of jeans can change that. And they look dang good on me (besides the fact that I have to hem them.) =]
Another on the bucket list.
Friday Jan. 21st: I'm in love with the idea of a masquerade ball. I found myself looking up masks to go with my already perfect masquerade kind of dress I have...even though I didn't have one to go to. I don't know exactly why I want to go so bad, I just do! Mystical, adventurous, the whole idea of having a mask on so you can really be anyone you want for a night...sounds AMAZING. I want to throw one-just so I can go to it. Haha. YES PLEASE.
The Ultimate Playlist.
Thursday Jan. 20th: The though occurred to me this morning; I should make a playlist of songs that have significance in my life. I heard a handful of old ones from when I was a kid during my day-break. Funny how certain songs can bring back a plethera of memories.
Hey Big Spender.
Wednesday Jan. 19th: I got a new straightner. Although I didn't necessarily need it, I like it a whole lot more than my Infiniti. Its so nice! It was on sale, but I still hate hate hate the guilty feeling I get when I feel like I spent my money on something I didn't completely need. I probably should save more...
Ocean's above.
Tuesday Jan. 18th: For some reason the sky looked awesome today. The smog couldn't take over it yet-the blue was so crisp, and it felt so refreshing. Like crystal clear days right after a rain storm. Mmmmmm!
Oh! And I beat my manager at work at a competition, so that felt pretty awesome.
(And my camera on my phone really doesn't do it justice.)
Oh! And I beat my manager at work at a competition, so that felt pretty awesome.
(And my camera on my phone really doesn't do it justice.)
Manic Monday.
Monday Jan. 17th: Why are some monday's so "blahhhhhhh?" That was today for sure. I wanted to curl up on the couch with hot chocolate and watch movies all day.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday Jan. 16th: This is Carly. We are cousins really, but not really. But really, she is more like my sister. Honestly. We have too many inside jokes, soooo much to always talk about, and we basically know the summary of what our future husbands are going to be like because we get each other just that good. But, the sad part is that we live 2,254 miles away from each other (duh, I mapped it =]).
So, today I really wanted to talk to her, so I called to chat it up only to find out she is out chillen' with her homies and I have to wait until tommorrow.............................UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ha, now I know how she feels because I'm usually the one who is hard to get ahold of. But! I can always depend on her to leave the best voicemails. =] Seriously: I CAN NOT WAIT until she moves to Utah this fall. I'm almost too excited. She is freakin’ hilarious, absolutely gorgeous, and definitely iridescent. (Watch the movie “Flipped” and you’ll understand the iridescent.) I’m sure you just don’t understand how much I love this girl.
So, today I really wanted to talk to her, so I called to chat it up only to find out she is out chillen' with her homies and I have to wait until tommorrow.............................UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Ha, now I know how she feels because I'm usually the one who is hard to get ahold of. But! I can always depend on her to leave the best voicemails. =] Seriously: I CAN NOT WAIT until she moves to Utah this fall. I'm almost too excited. She is freakin’ hilarious, absolutely gorgeous, and definitely iridescent. (Watch the movie “Flipped” and you’ll understand the iridescent.) I’m sure you just don’t understand how much I love this girl.
Definitely Smile Worthy.
Saturday Jan. 15th: Another long work day, but surprisingly it felt extremely short. I didn’t end up going to bed until around 2:30 last night, and I woke up at 9:45 so maybe that’s why it felt short. After work, I went over to a friends’ house to have dinner and his roommate was absolutely unbelievable on the acoustic guitar! In the movie August Rush, he “taps” on the guitar and plays a song...HE DID THAT! I couldn’t believe my eyes! It was like I fell in love with the guitar all over again! We ended up having a 45 minuteish jam session. Two guitars, a harmonica, a backround beat, and a singer. Just the five of us sitting around in a living room, making music. I got chills, I couldn’t stop smiling the whole time! My checks actually hurt! It was one of the coolest things, I felt like I was going to die! Its like no words can express how it feels. And I really, really want to have another sesh soon!
Never Ending.
Friday Jan. 14th: Today was my crazy work day of the week. I went to one job from 9:30-11:30, to another from 12-4:30, to another from 5-8:30, and then right over to a friends to play. It was such a good day! We went ice skating… for free! Yes. For free! It was awesome! And I’m terribly terrified of falling, but I didn’t go down once! Now if only I can go to a rink outside…
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Thursday Jan. 13th : I thoroughly enjoy this shot. Completely. Totally. Absolutely. Fully. To the max. =]
On the bright side.
Wednesday Jan. 12th: ...Nothing really to say. I've been in kindof a grumpy mood because some salesperson called me this morning and woke me at 8. Oh! They called 6 times throughout the day. Yes. 6. Talk about outrageously rude. Harrassment? Potentially. And I'm a little frustrated with a few other things.
But, I found this picture of a little girl enjoying the rain. And I like it for a reason I'm not exactly sure. I just like it. It makes me want to go jump in puddles and get all muddy. But the snow has been winning the competition in the clouds as of late.
But, I found this picture of a little girl enjoying the rain. And I like it for a reason I'm not exactly sure. I just like it. It makes me want to go jump in puddles and get all muddy. But the snow has been winning the competition in the clouds as of late.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, Jan. 11: I got to go see Dashboard Confessional with friends. I heard the SICKEST cover of MGMT's "Kids" from a band called Lady Danville.They were pretty good! But, the poor guy before Dashboard was a total fail until his last song when he invited and encouraged some random fans up on stage to play guitar and backup singer. It was wayyy awesome! It must have made those guys' nights for sure. It was cool to see the attitude of the whole room change from "boo's" to total applause and shouts when they finished. Its on my bucket list to perform with a band one day. Crazy right? But it happened to them, and I would like it to happen to me! And Dashboard Confessional was fantastic, of course. There is no other sound that measures up to an acoustic guitar. And there is something about being actually there while the music is made, than hearing it on my iPod. I seriously LOVE it. Its like a party in my ears.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Saturday Jan. 8th: I'm the kind of girl who jumps at the chance to blast music and dance like an absolute dork alone in my room, while being totally absorbed in the moment, soaking it up with the biggest grin on my face. I got the chance today. Seriously, it made my entire week. Basically.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday Jan. 7th: Nothing like pulling out your old toys to bring a smile to your face. =] I love my life.
Thursday Jan. 6th: I saw this today. I kept saying, "Awww!" like a total idiot.
Wednesday Jan. 5th: A guy came into work today while Mayday Parade, "Miserable at Best" was on and he was litterally singing along at the top of his lungs. I turned to see him walk in, and commented on being a fan of Mayday Parade as well. Part of the song says, "I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floor and ask my girl to dance." He continued to sing, without replying to me and changed the lyrics to, "ask THIS girl to dance," and grabbed my hand and proceeded to dance with me. Needless to say, I had a smile on my face the rest of the night.
The Little Things.
Tuesday Jan. 4th: Even though I got alot done and felt super accomplished, I think three and a half hours of countless errands in a day is a smidge too much. In the midst of my many places to stop, I found myself standing in a dreadfully long line with just one package in hand at the post office. Of all of the different shapes and sizes of people who walk through the doors into the plain and lifeless building, we all have the same thing on our minds. We all wish we could be somewhere almost anywhere elsle. As I approached the never ending conventional line I almost turned to leave, not wanting to deal with the wait or the monotony.
Not even three minutes after I decided to suck it up and bear it or else I would keep putting it off, I heard a small voice from directly behind me. A curly blonde little girl, maybe three or four years old was trying to entertain her younger brother held in his mother's arms completely unaware of the world around her. Making faces, giggling, and totally engaged in his reaction of whatever she did, she continued to play until she was completely satisfied. Subconsciously, I dismissed the gloomy circumstances and kept my attention on what she did next. Intrigued, I was immediately overcome by her naivety and innocence. Simple things kept her entertained, like counting numbers with mom and playing with baby brother. I wasn't surpised that I soon I had a smile on my own face. As if things couldn't get more tender, the little boy looked right up at me and gave me a big teething pudgy grin. Of course the "Aww" factor came into play, and even the crinkly old man behind the post office entertainers commented, "What a show! You guys are so entertaining to watch!"
I didn't regret suffering through that dreadful sea of people. Thanks to the little people I didn't suffer at all.
Not even three minutes after I decided to suck it up and bear it or else I would keep putting it off, I heard a small voice from directly behind me. A curly blonde little girl, maybe three or four years old was trying to entertain her younger brother held in his mother's arms completely unaware of the world around her. Making faces, giggling, and totally engaged in his reaction of whatever she did, she continued to play until she was completely satisfied. Subconsciously, I dismissed the gloomy circumstances and kept my attention on what she did next. Intrigued, I was immediately overcome by her naivety and innocence. Simple things kept her entertained, like counting numbers with mom and playing with baby brother. I wasn't surpised that I soon I had a smile on my own face. As if things couldn't get more tender, the little boy looked right up at me and gave me a big teething pudgy grin. Of course the "Aww" factor came into play, and even the crinkly old man behind the post office entertainers commented, "What a show! You guys are so entertaining to watch!"
I didn't regret suffering through that dreadful sea of people. Thanks to the little people I didn't suffer at all.
Shredding the slopes.
Monday Jan. 3rd: I went to The Canyons and snowboarded with my dad. It was a pretty good day, although it was my first time out this season so I wasn't as good as I was hoping to be. ...Maybe it was the beer. =D

(Its totally Gatorade.) ;)
2011 Resolutions.
Sunday Jan. 2nd: I made my goals for the new year:
1.) Project 365.
2.) Workout 3 times a week;
-Running (adding 1/2 mile each week until I reach 3)
3.) Cook 1 night a week
4.) Pick back up voice lessons
5.) Continue to keep putting myself out there more
6.) Read through the Book of Mormon before General Conference in April
7.) Keep asking more of myself (Stand a little taller to be a little better)
1.) Project 365.
2.) Workout 3 times a week;
-Running (adding 1/2 mile each week until I reach 3)
3.) Cook 1 night a week
4.) Pick back up voice lessons
5.) Continue to keep putting myself out there more
6.) Read through the Book of Mormon before General Conference in April
7.) Keep asking more of myself (Stand a little taller to be a little better)
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