Saturday April 30th- Deffinatly the best day of the entire trip! CRYSTAL AND MORGAN’S WEDDING!!! I am so happy for them! When they came out of the temple and stood there unsure of what to do next- I couldn’t contain my excitement- I ran up and gave her the biggest hug. Its completely mind blowing to think of us together in high school,her missionary discussions and the entire journey to this very day. So amazing!
I had so much fun hanging with the other bridesmaids throughout the day. In between the Temple and the ring ceremony and reception I had the chance to do Nikita’s hair:
I thought it turned out really well! I loved having girl time! Then it was walking down the isle time. So precious! The reception was a ton of fun for me. I haven’t felt so much myself in a while.
After the reception- Kim and I had the chance of meeting up with a good friend and going to Santana’s. Kim and I shared Carne Asada Fries- SO DELECTABLE!!! I was stoked…incredibly stoked.

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